
怎么創(chuàng )造一臺分壓器

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怎么創(chuàng )造一臺分壓器|How do I create a voltage divider

For input voltage to the data logger greater than 2.5 volts DC, you will need to make a voltage divider. A voltage divider will drop the voltage of the input signal to the level the data logger can measure. First determine the needed attenuation ratio; divide the input volts by the output volts to the data logger:
A = input volts/2.5

If the maximum signal is 5 volts DC, and you wish to use the HOBO's full scale range of 2.5 volts DC, the attenuation is 2:1, or just 2. Once you have determined the attenuation (A), you can calculate for the Resistor (R1). For now, pick a value for R2 (typically 10k), then calculate for R1.
R1 = (A - 1) *R2

From the above example A = 2 and, if you picked a value of 10,000 for
R2: R1 = (2 - 1) *10,000
R1 = 10,000 ohms
Therefore, R1 and R2 are both 10K resistors.

There are a few practical considerations. If the sum of R1 and R2 is too low (Rmin), you could overload your input source or heat up the resistors. If the sum of R1 and R2 is too high (Rmax), it could be a poor match for our volt data logger's 10K input impedence. Also, resistors do not come in every possible resistance value. You will have to plug in available resistance values until you reach a voltage divider that is both accurate enough and keeps the sum of R1 and R2 within practical limits.電阻測試儀| 電阻計| 電表| 鉗表| 高斯計| 電磁場(chǎng)測試儀| 電源供應器| 電能質(zhì)量分析儀| 多功能測試儀|

翻譯:為輸入電壓到數據列表大于2.5伏特DC,您將需要做分壓器。 分壓器將下降輸入信號的電壓到數據列表可能測量的水平。 首先確定需要的衰減比率; 由產(chǎn)品伏特劃分輸入伏特到數據列表:
A =輸入的volts/2.5

如果最大信號是5伏特DC,并且您希望使用2.5 HOBO伏特的‘s充分的標度范圍DC,衰減是2:1或者2。 一旦您確定了衰減(a),您能為電阻器(R1)計算。 暫時(shí),采摘價(jià)值為R2 (典型地10k),然后為R1計算。
R1 = (A - 1) *R2

從上述例子A = 2和,如果您采摘了值為10,000為
R2 : R1 = (2 - 1) *10,000
R1 = 10,000歐姆
所以, R1和R2是兩個(gè)10K電阻器。

有幾實(shí)用考慮。 如果R1和R2的總和是太低的(Rmin),您可能超載您的輸入源或加熱電阻器。 如果R1和R2的總和太高(Rmax),它可能是一位惡劣的問(wèn)題對于我們的伏特數據列表的10K輸入阻抗。 并且,電阻器不進(jìn)來(lái)每可能的抵抗價(jià)值。 您將必須塞住可利用的抵抗價(jià)值,直到您到達是足夠準確的并且保留R1和R2的總和在實(shí)用極限內的分壓器。
美國OnsetHOBO分類(lèi): |溫度數據記錄器 |土壤濕度傳感器 |氣象站專(zhuān)用記錄器 |溫濕度數據記錄儀 |溫度/光度數據記錄器 |環(huán)境記錄儀 |外部傳感器 |狀態(tài)記錄儀 |HOBO應用軟件 |通信連接器 |電導率測量記錄儀 |雨量計/雨量記錄器 |深度數據記錄器 |溫度/帶警報(防水)記錄器

發(fā)布人:2011/7/13 11:06:00815 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2011/7/13 11:06:00 此新聞已被瀏覽:815次